Last weekend me and teh boy had a "date night" with Joey & Emily... as in Joey & Emily from the Infamous Lovers print display. Em was so excited that she was etsy famous that she made me sign theirs. :)
Anywho, since it's October and I'm refusing to notice the Christmas decor next to the Halloween costumes in Walmart, we stuck with this month's festivities and carved pumpkins! And my second favorite part of carving pumpkins is PUMPKIN SEEDS!! Bonus for quick and easy fall snack. Super bonus that they're low carb :)
Pumpkin Seeds
1. Separate the seeds into a different bowl from the goop when scooping out your pumpkin
2. Rinse the seeds in a colander
3. Toss with olive oil & your favorite spices. I always use the go to - Tony's, but other good ones would be brown sugar, honey or cinnamon
4. Spread out on cookie sheet
5. Bake @ 350 for 20-30 minutes, flipping halfway through. Basically whenever they look golden and crispy. If it's a small batch you can even do it in the the toaster oven
1 oz of seeds sans shell are roughly 4g carbs & 1g fiber - net 3g
with the shell its about 15g carbs with 5.5 fiber - net 9.5
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