Ladies and Gents, Welcome!

Please bare with me while this blog undergoes construction


Combat bad parking everywhere with this free "YOUR PARKING SUCKS" business card printable.

Etsy Shop!

Check out the shop! If I don't have exactly what you're looking for, I love to do custom orders :) For scoping out the blog, use the coupon code "BLOG10" for 10% your next purchase between now and the end of the year!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Recipe: Pumpkin Seeds! It's Halloween!

Last weekend me and teh boy had a "date night" with Joey & Emily... as in Joey & Emily from the Infamous Lovers print display. Em was so excited that she was etsy famous that she made me sign theirs. :)

Anywho, since it's October and I'm refusing to notice the Christmas decor next to the Halloween costumes in Walmart, we stuck with this month's festivities and carved pumpkins! And my second favorite part of carving pumpkins is PUMPKIN SEEDS!! Bonus for quick and easy fall snack. Super bonus that they're low carb :)
Pumpkin Seeds
1. Separate the seeds into a different bowl from the goop when scooping out your pumpkin
2. Rinse the seeds in a colander
3. Toss with olive oil & your favorite spices. I always use the go to - Tony's, but other good ones would be brown sugar, honey or cinnamon
4. Spread out on cookie sheet
5. Bake @ 350 for 20-30 minutes, flipping halfway through. Basically whenever they look golden and crispy. If it's a small batch you can even do it in the the toaster oven

1 oz of seeds sans shell are roughly 4g carbs & 1g fiber - net 3g
with the shell its about 15g carbs with 5.5 fiber - net 9.5

Friday, October 12, 2012

Come on Down, Welcome to the Price is Right

Four months ago I started an Etsy shop after I had been contemplating for a while. I figured that if it worked, it worked and if not no harm, no foul. I was so excited about my first sale a week later that I woke up teh boy at 3 in the morning to tell him. Since then, I've met some wonderful people that I'm so thankful I could help make their event a little more special.

The next natural step seemed to be blog... so here we are. If you don't mind a little imperfect grammar, you'll find low carb recipes, freebie downloads, a dash of DIY, news & coupons for the Etsy, as well as other musing that I feel that are awesome enough to share.

Thanks for stopping by,

Contact Me

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have a question, comment, or just wanna say HI! I'm slowly expanding the sphere of social media for QPQ, but as of today it's only the blog, Etsy, & gmail.

Drop a comment in one of the posts or if it's for my eyes only shoot me an email or etsy convo.
Email me at
Etsy Convo here

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Freebie: Bad Parking Biz Card

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the best driver. It's genetic... my mom once hit a house. However, one of my pet peeves (and I'm sure at least some of y'alls as well), is bad & selfish parking. This is especially true because if non-handicapped people take up the blue lines, I have to be a jerk and double park somewhere so I have enough room to get in and out of my car. I've proudly written a few parking notes, yet none as pretty as this. Hmm... I think after I'm finish posting I'll have to print a few for myself. Anywho, click the download button below and do your part to put an end to crappy parkers everywhere :)

(after 5 seconds click the skip button at the top right to begin the download)